
The Town of Rotterdam Property Record Online System (“PROS”) is an interactive assessment website that allows property owners to search property information for any property in the Town of Rotterdam. The Town of Rotterdam PROS website allows property owners to review property assessment information, property inventory and search for comparable sales.

Town of Rotterdam Assessor’s Office




Assessor's Office Information 


Bradley D. Canning, Assessor

e-mail: bcanning@rotterdamny.org


1100 Sunrise Blvd

Schenectady, NY 12306


PH: (518) 355-7575 Ext.396

FAX: (518) 356-4319


OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm


**For all contact address changes email: bcanning@rotterdamny.org

Please be sure to include the property location and the new contact address**





